Powerpoint classes

These Powerpoint slideshows were kindly donated by China-based English teacher Mary Louise who typically teaches large classes of teenagers. Please let us know in the comments how you get on with the material and any tricks or tips you might employ to use them effectively. Mary’s advice for optimum use of the Powerpoint presentations: Run […]

Office Gossip

Gossip – reported speech lesson plan This lesson takes the theme of gossip to explore the grammar of reported speech. This plan doesn’t include a formal explanation of the grammar of reported speech so how you approach this is up to you.  Lesson plan and activity sheets PDF / ODT / Docx Teacher’s notes Reported Speech can be a tricky topic to […]

Making Suggestions

Suggestion box – first and second conditionals This is a fun way to review the first and second conditionals, this activity obviously works best if you edit the materials in the worksheet to be more applicable to your clients’ own situations. Step 1. Introduce the idea of a staff suggestion box and ask whether the students’ […]

Changing Careers

What job should I do? This activity is based on an exercise in a book for job seekers to help them identify rewarding career paths. Make a list of character traits such as these: reliable hard-working creative flexible ready to travel good communicator eager to learn leadership skills adventurous calm articulate curious determined enthusiastic focused […]